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Wild Nature

Distance Reiki

"Reiki is the life force energy that flows through all living things."

Experience the potent power of Reiki from the comfort of your own home.

What to Expect During Your Distance Reiki Session

Before the Session

Take 10-15 minutes to ground yourself in whatever way feels good for you. I recommend dancing or moving your body, going outside without your phone, taking a warm shower or meditating. The goal is to create space for yourself to relax.

Create a Space of Comfort

Set up your space for comfort and place a journal and pen next to your space. Make sure you have pillows, blankets and, if desired, an eye mask. Wear loose, non-restrictive clothing. Be sure to set yourself up somewhere you will not be disturbed by others. Turn off your phone. Remember, this is time you have set aside for you. No-one needs you right now and you have no-where else to be.

Honor Your Time

I will check in with you prior to starting our session. I will also send you a playlist that I encourage you to play if you know music helps you to relax. We will discuss your intention for the session, if you have one, and we will walk through a short grounding exercise. Once we begin, the session will last 30 minutes. If thoughts, questions or ideas come into your mind, remember to allow them to flow through you without becoming attached. If you feel your attention wander, work to focus your attention on your breath. Allow yourself to be with the experience as it unfolds. 

Finishing the session

When you feel ready, take your time reorienting to your space. Move your fingers and toes gently and give yourself permission to move your body slowly. If you feel called, take a moment to write down any thoughts that popped up during your time, often the most golden ideas come to you in these quiet moments. If you feel called to share anything that arose during your session, there will be space at the end for a 5-10 minute discussion.

Please remember to hydrate after your session. 


Please Consider the Following...

Your mental and physical health are important. These experiences are designed to add value to your life, not to serve as a substitute for medical care. I am not a doctor or licensed therapist. Please consult your primary care physician, mental health professional, or healthcare provider before starting any new program or if you have questions about your health.

Reiki is not a replacement for regular medical care.
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